Post Separation/Divorce Quicksand

It is worth remembering that it is very important in quite a few situations to keep your eye on the implementation of the terms of settlement post separation or divorce.  Many people are so glad to put this unhappy period of their lives behind them that they...

Access during the Covid-19 Restrictions

Access during Lockdown Covid-19 has a major impact on the lives of separated parents around the country. If tensions are frayed between parents, Covid has made tensions even more frayed. During the lockdown restrictions, there is an increase in the breaches of Access...

Holiday Wishes

Anne O’Neill Solicitors would like to wish to all our clients, colleagues and professionals a happy, peaceful and jolly holidays. We know this year has been tough and we hope everyone can enjoy the holidays as much as we will. Updates as to office hours etc will be...

Parental Alienation

There is no doubt that children can become alienated from a parent post-divorce or separation and that this happens regularly.  The reasons, however, are often a lot more complicated than the explanation most frequently given ie that one parent is...

Qualities of family lawyer

When you think of a lawyer what springs to mind?  Someone aggressive?  Someone who would argue over “two flies going up a wall”?  Someone with bags of money and a lifestyle to go with it?  Someone capable of great charm when needed but without much...

Parental Alienation

Parental Alienation is a hot topic.  Many believe it does not exist.  Some seek statutory provisions which would effectively make it a criminal offence.  There are also differences of opinion as to how this behaviour should be addressed and by...